Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Beyond the cheering children 
Moon che cheese
Beyond the twinkling apple 
Moon twin twinks 
Beyond the sleeping stars 
Moon sleeps
Beyond the sleepy ‘your name here’ 
Moon sleeps
Night is such a good friend!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sad Jack

There was a man named
Sad sack Jack
When he walked his feet clacked
He said "I don't like my shoes they leave a track"

He didn't like anyone
Pftf! this one is short
Pftt! this one is stupid
Pftt! this one is poor

He didn't like anything

Sad sack, sad Jack, chicken Jack quacked
Quacked quacked quacked

Ooo he said, I am so rich. How to count my gold, quack?
Ooo he said, my house is so big. How to keep it clean, quack?
Ooo he said, I am so pretty. How to let anyone kiss, quack?

Sad Jack, sad sack, sour faced Jack
Jack Jack Jack

Never thanked his kind valet
Never cleaned his blond toupee
Never shared toys nor smiled a day
Until that doomsday!


An elephant trampled his wall
O zut!
He lost his gold
O zut!
His house all burnt black
O zut!
His face fire engine red
O zut!
His head flat
A railhead
He was beguiled, beguiiiiiled 
A delirious child!


Sad Jack, silly Jack never ever stopped
Could Not stop
To smile and fart and smiiiiile and faaaart 
quack quack 

(O zut alors!!!)


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mr Donkey and His Key

Mr Donkey
Loves tea
He brays
"May I pleeeease have teaaaaa"
"With thrrree sugarrrs and one peeeaaa"

Donkeys are funny
Don't you agree?
Who drinks tea with pea?
Who has rabbit ears?
doggie nose?
and horsey hoofs?
Mr Donkey of course
Donkeys are funny!

Mr Donkey's name is Dony
He is a swanky donkey
Ties a blue tie
Wears a hat
Goes to restaurant
Eats eight pies
All for a dollar then brays in glee
And sips his tea

Some days Donkey Dony is a bit silly
He plays with the goat Billy
Some days Donkey Dony is smiley
He flirts with the cat Frilly
Somedays Donkey Dony is sleepy
Soooo sleeepy 
Just before he leaves home
He looses his key
He brays " where is my key, wheeeeere iiiiis myyyy keeeey?"
Then he looks
Up and down the chicken coop
Left and right the stable
Searches in and out of rooms
But no key!

Then it gets late
Then it gets dark
He can't go out
Donkey Dony brays
"Ooo, toooo laaattte!"
"Tomorrow is anooooother daate"
Sleeps in his hay bed
The key hides
Under his hay bed...

MrDonkeyandHisKey-story and illustration©2010Babetteandfriends

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ants and Blue jays

In a little tiny hole
By a tiny little house
Next to a tiny tree
Lived tiny ants and their family.

They always worked very hard
Carried tons of crumbs
Back and forth they pulled
Huge crumbs with their tiny thumbs.

Little ant Jim always wanted to help
He always worked hardest when others yelped
But, he was so young and so tiny he always flipped
Because crumbs were larger, much larger than his whole body.

Mama Ant said " My boy Jim Jim
You are a good ant but, you are very slim slim
Child ants should not work! it is too grim grim
We are going to build a school for you you with a big gym"

All Mama Ants and Papa Ants met up on the Hill
O What a good idea, a school, what a thrill!
But, the winter is upon us said one Papa ant, who is going to pay the bill?
All screamed and yelled and the meeting was done with a big shrill!

"O, no is this the end?
Don't ants have a friend who could lend them
A helping hand?"
Cried the little Jim.

Mama Papa Ants were sad
Not because they were poorly clad
But, because their little ants were not glad
Without a school they could never learn fun child things
Instead they worked in fields, they were tired
That made them naughty and slightly mad!

Blue jays heard ants wanted a school for their little ants
They also heard crumbs needed to be moved from fields
So they flew from their nests to ants' hill and volunteered:
"Here we are! we will carry your crumbs, you go on
Build your school for your little ants "
They flew and disappeared with a big Whooosh

"O what good friends we have
Such lovely friends
Isn't it nice to live in a world
Where all love and give
Just because one can?"

Ants were very happy, they gladly accepted bluejays' offer
Ran and got their tools hired a contractor
Built a beautiful school with many holes and a coffer
Found for their little ants' education the best tutors.

In the meantime, all summer long
Bluejays flew back and forth and ling long
Carried crumbs by millions
Stashed them in tiny ants' homes
Prepared them for the long cold winter days
That always come at the end of summer days!


Friday, June 18, 2010

Babette and The Bent Apple Tree


A beautiful apple tree
Still flowering but, all bent
Like the letter n
Bloomed on the hill top.

Babette being a curious pup
Decided to climb up
And ask how she came to be
Such a bent up tree.

On her way up the mountain
She met the gardner Mr. Anton
Asked him if he knew
How the apple tree came to be
Such a bent up tree.

Mr Anton had a belly laugh
Ha ha ha he always laughed.
"Naughty children of course! They did it"
He said continuing his joyful laugh.

"Children pulled down her branches and never stopped
Climbed up and swung, hopped and dropped
So, the tree got bent. What else could she do but, stoop at the end?

Babette said
"O, is that so?"
She continued her walk
Towards the hill top.

By the stream she met little bluejay
Happily washing his wing and drinking from the stream
"Tweets to you Babette
Where are you trotting like a horse
So early in the morning?"

"I am going up the hilltop
To ask the Bent Apple tree
How she got her shape
Like the letter n"

Said little Blue jay.
"My grandmother told me
How Bent Apple tree got her bent
Like the letter n.
Let me tell you :
Many many many years ago
When this very apple tree
Was a very young apple tree
On a very very very rainy night
A terrible wind was blowing hard
There was a mother bird and her baby chicks
Nesting on this very apple tree.
That night of the storm
Poor bird's nest was hanging from a thread
About to be swept away, o what dread!
Little chicks chirp chirped hither and thither
Mother bird fluttered titter jitter
But, Apple tree said:
"Do not shed one more tear,I will save ye!
Then bowed her branches and bent like a snake
Held the nest between her tree fingers like a cradle
Crouching and bowing against its blows
Bravely fought against the mighty wind
Finally she did save all the chicks
But, she remained forever bent
After that rainy stormy night."

"O" said Babette " is that so?"
She continued her walk
Up the hill top
To ask the Bent Apple tree
How she got her bent.

When she finally arrived by the tree
She met Mr O'Chip the chipmunk
"O, hello Babette what a surprise" he said.
"What are you doing up, so far from home at the hill top?"

Babette now a little tired
From climbing up
Said "I came to find out
How the Bent Apple tree
Came to be such a bent tree."

"O, We chipmunks know how she came to be so bent" said Mr O' Chip.
"Long long long longtime ago
Our ancestors had a terrible king: Chippy The Terrible.
He did not have a red tail
So, he ordered all chipmunks with red tails
To be banished from Chip Kingdom.

Of course, red tailed chips were not happy
To be exiled by the foolish king for having red tails.
They formed their own chip army.

A terrible walnut war ensued
Between "Have reds"
And "Without the reds".

Wars are terrible things
Walnuts are thrown
Back and forth
From one camp to the other.
Houses are destroyed,
Branches are broken
Little chips cry and get lost!

That is how
Apple tree's branch got
Permanently damaged in the Red Tail War.
She got that slant
And forever remained bent."

"O" said Babette
Is that so?"
"Now that I am near
I will ask the Bent Apple Tree herself
How she got her Bent."

They suddenly heard a laugh
A strange mixture of a laugh
Giggly monkey laugh
And a hollow elephant's snort.
It was the Bent Apple Tree's laugh!

"Well hello Babette
You want to ask me
How I got my slouch?
You walked all the way up here to ask me that?"

"O" said Babette
You are a unique tree crowned
There are none with your bent
You make a perfect n.
With flowers
Our hill's bestower
Come spring
You are a beautiful ring!

I came to inquire
How you came to acquire
Such a marvelous bent."

"Let me tell you then" said the bent Apple tree:

The gardner is right.
Kids played on my branches.
But, they never hurt me!
They never pulled out my leaves and my blooming flowers
They were careful never to break my branches.
I loved happy and sweet children swinging from my branches"

"Blue jay is also right. I did my best
To save many nests
Helped little chicks
Cuddled them in my leaves
I bent and bowed my branches
To keep them from crushing away in terrible storms"

"I remember the king, Terrible Chippy
His Red Tail War and the walnuts
That hit against my belly.
O,Those were terrible times
When chips waged war against their brother chips
Because of a vain and foolish king!
All chips suffer for no reason!
In the mean time they broke
Few of my branches"

" But, none and all are true and bent me!
I lived a full tree life with many leaves met many, like you Babette!
Kids, dogs, cats and goats
Owls,chipmunks and ants
Butterflies caterpillars
O but,thankfully not a lumberjack !"

"I am bent
Because I am old
That is all.
I am shaped
Like the letter n
Because I have lived long
Time bends us all."


Monday, May 3, 2010

The Naughty Cricket


It was Babette’s birthday
A perfect lovely sunny day for a party
Must prepare goodies without delay
For celebration is on its way.

We took the large wicker basket
Stuffed it with cakes
Walked by the river, passed the thicket
Arrived to our favourite corner for our picnic.

We sat on soft grass 
Under a maple tree
The view of the valley was so beautiful no other could surpass.
On our straw cloth we set our eight brioches and one big 
strawberry tart
Eight chocolate cookies and one big almond tart
Mmmm so delicious, we could hardly wait
To begin our feast

Thankfully our guests were not late.
Soon lady bugs flew by, caterpillars crawled in tow
Butterflies made a festive tent in two two's
Holding honeysuckles with their wings into a bow.

Near-by sheep and sheep dogs joined us
Bunnies hopped hopped to greet us
Frogs croaked croaked nearby in chorus.
Jaybirds accompanied with sweet sweet tweets
We made merry and danced danced tapping our feet

"O What great party this is!  so complete
With sweets and sweet giggles and tweets!
woof la la la la lolo, mee mee, la la la lo lo, mee mee,
woof la lal lal la la li li li low tit tot teet tweet"

Suddenly we heard coming from the basket a strange sound
A houm hum houm
It was sort of a hum pun hum houm
A hum pun pooouuun hum sound!


Carefully we listened.
it was a humming song sung languidly

"O Whaaat a life I had, what sweet
Now sliced perfectly in haaaalf ! in half with a silver
You may thiiiink your deeds are
But sooooon discover your candles less

What was
We trembled...
A ghostly, scary humming sound
Coming from
Inside the basket?
Bunnies hop hop hopped and escaped
Frogs croaked louder in protest
Butterflies flew away scared
Babette doggie woofed woofed and
 I too fluttered

We cautiously approached
The basket
It was only a winged litttle insect
Who was making that dreadful noise
His wing caught
Under the handle
He had become a prisoner of the basket!
Between a big scary knife
And the delicious birthday cake,
He hang between Sweet Life and Silver Death
He was afraid
As we were
Hence his frightful serenade.

'I said hellooo
Mr Grasshopper?
Sorry we bothered you
We are only passing through.'

Passing through air?
I don't understand.
I don't see a tunnel anywhere!
AND, you are not winged!'
He screamed.
He added
Most insolently:

'Don't you ever call me a grasshopper
I am a cricket!'

O,sorry woof said Babette 
O, pardonez moi, Monsieur, said I
'Whatever were you searching for
If I may ask
In the basket
which is Mine?'

He said
Suddenly most gentile
'Criccccccccck crickk crickk, dear lady
O please please
Don't be mad
You see, you see
It is my birthday too
I was flying above when I saw your picnic basket and the scrumptious cake
I thought I could stop by and get a taste.
Sorry if I didn't ask first, I am not a thief, really! I am a good insect!

'I am too far from the sea you see
Without my wing I can't wing my way to my friends at the sea.
Ooo, what pain
This looks like the end
Farewell to you my dear lady
And your, flea bag friend

'O I said, don't be so dramatic, we will help you of course!
I am a girl and this is my dog
We have legs and not wings we came to the meadow for an afternoon tea.'

We guessed he was frightened and decided to be kind to him.
We took a close look at his wing
And noticed it was just a small scratch not a cut nor a splint.
We removed him
From under the clutter and mess
Cleaned his wing
And send him on his way
After we offered him a piece of the birthday cake.

He sang again, this time more melodiously
Thanked my noble dog most profusely
He apologized for calling him a flea bag and kissed him most adoringly.

'O life O life, hope hope hope, so good to be hopeful again
Just when I was insane with too much pain
Then the lady and her pretty dog heard me complain
Made my hole whole whole, let's celebrate with rivers of champagne'

So with that he cricket crickk crickkketted and flew to join his friends...


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Envious Apple Tree


Babette was taking a walk
She noticed a hawk
A sheep and her flock
Then she saw
A very strange old tree
It looked as if it was covered just with flea

O how horrid!
What happened to that poor tree she wondered
The hawk above
Perching on the tree
'I know what happened to this apple tree! my great grand parents told my grandparents my grandparents told my parents my parents told me. I can tell you what happened to that tree'
O Yes, Do tell

So, the Hawk started to tell
The story of the Apple Tree:

In a sunny field facing south
By a river’s mouth
Lived a family of pear trees
And a host of bees

Each spring they held a festival
To cherish it’s arrival
Prepared a festive carnival
That made envious the neighboring apple trees, their rival

One Apple tree in particular was very envious
Of one particular pear tree’s blooms
That were
Larger whiter pinker and had
Lovelier blossoms than hers
Bees congregated on pear’s flowers
More often than apple’s
This made the apple tree jealous and most furious

She wished she was a pear and not an apple
Day and night she imagined what would it be like
To be green and not red
With a smooth silky skin and a soft bite
Not shiny skinned, crunchy and red

But pear tree never knew any of this
She thought apple tree was a sis
After all they were all trees and lived in bliss
If she knew anything was amiss
She would surely been in an abyss

When the envious Apple tree received the invitation for the spring party
She was temporarily green with envy.
'Again, Pear is having the festivity before me'
This time she knew she could not take it!
She summoned the Westerly wind and whispered in his ear:

‘Wind wind my old friend, I know we had our differences,
do me a favor do visit the festivities and blow your mightiest
make sure the pear tree looses all her bloom, then I promise to give you all my apples in season’
The wind liked this arrangement it seemed
Imagining all the delicious apples he will collect in the summer next.

The day of the festivity, the apple tree was very content waiting for the Westerly
She knew it was the end
For her rival the Pear tree
From now on she was going to be
The Belle of the Bees

But, unexpectedly, before the Westerly wind
Arrived a friend of the Pear tree
the Southerly wind
Who blew a mighty breath
So strong all was upside down
And in the hulloboloo
It was the Apple Tree
And not the Pear
Who lost all her budding leaves instead
She shriveled up and dried.

O said Babette:
Yes, indeed everyone has a rival
A czar
A car
A star
A guitar
It is bizarre
How people, animals and things like compare
O it is very incomprehensible
Life is such fanfare

Because each fruit
Because each car
Because each star
Because each tree
Because each animal
Because each person
Has its purpose and place
Don’t covet
But want best
With zest
For all friends
East and West.
