Monday, May 3, 2010

The Naughty Cricket


It was Babette’s birthday
A perfect lovely sunny day for a party
Must prepare goodies without delay
For celebration is on its way.

We took the large wicker basket
Stuffed it with cakes
Walked by the river, passed the thicket
Arrived to our favourite corner for our picnic.

We sat on soft grass 
Under a maple tree
The view of the valley was so beautiful no other could surpass.
On our straw cloth we set our eight brioches and one big 
strawberry tart
Eight chocolate cookies and one big almond tart
Mmmm so delicious, we could hardly wait
To begin our feast

Thankfully our guests were not late.
Soon lady bugs flew by, caterpillars crawled in tow
Butterflies made a festive tent in two two's
Holding honeysuckles with their wings into a bow.

Near-by sheep and sheep dogs joined us
Bunnies hopped hopped to greet us
Frogs croaked croaked nearby in chorus.
Jaybirds accompanied with sweet sweet tweets
We made merry and danced danced tapping our feet

"O What great party this is!  so complete
With sweets and sweet giggles and tweets!
woof la la la la lolo, mee mee, la la la lo lo, mee mee,
woof la lal lal la la li li li low tit tot teet tweet"

Suddenly we heard coming from the basket a strange sound
A houm hum houm
It was sort of a hum pun hum houm
A hum pun pooouuun hum sound!


Carefully we listened.
it was a humming song sung languidly

"O Whaaat a life I had, what sweet
Now sliced perfectly in haaaalf ! in half with a silver
You may thiiiink your deeds are
But sooooon discover your candles less

What was
We trembled...
A ghostly, scary humming sound
Coming from
Inside the basket?
Bunnies hop hop hopped and escaped
Frogs croaked louder in protest
Butterflies flew away scared
Babette doggie woofed woofed and
 I too fluttered

We cautiously approached
The basket
It was only a winged litttle insect
Who was making that dreadful noise
His wing caught
Under the handle
He had become a prisoner of the basket!
Between a big scary knife
And the delicious birthday cake,
He hang between Sweet Life and Silver Death
He was afraid
As we were
Hence his frightful serenade.

'I said hellooo
Mr Grasshopper?
Sorry we bothered you
We are only passing through.'

Passing through air?
I don't understand.
I don't see a tunnel anywhere!
AND, you are not winged!'
He screamed.
He added
Most insolently:

'Don't you ever call me a grasshopper
I am a cricket!'

O,sorry woof said Babette 
O, pardonez moi, Monsieur, said I
'Whatever were you searching for
If I may ask
In the basket
which is Mine?'

He said
Suddenly most gentile
'Criccccccccck crickk crickk, dear lady
O please please
Don't be mad
You see, you see
It is my birthday too
I was flying above when I saw your picnic basket and the scrumptious cake
I thought I could stop by and get a taste.
Sorry if I didn't ask first, I am not a thief, really! I am a good insect!

'I am too far from the sea you see
Without my wing I can't wing my way to my friends at the sea.
Ooo, what pain
This looks like the end
Farewell to you my dear lady
And your, flea bag friend

'O I said, don't be so dramatic, we will help you of course!
I am a girl and this is my dog
We have legs and not wings we came to the meadow for an afternoon tea.'

We guessed he was frightened and decided to be kind to him.
We took a close look at his wing
And noticed it was just a small scratch not a cut nor a splint.
We removed him
From under the clutter and mess
Cleaned his wing
And send him on his way
After we offered him a piece of the birthday cake.

He sang again, this time more melodiously
Thanked my noble dog most profusely
He apologized for calling him a flea bag and kissed him most adoringly.

'O life O life, hope hope hope, so good to be hopeful again
Just when I was insane with too much pain
Then the lady and her pretty dog heard me complain
Made my hole whole whole, let's celebrate with rivers of champagne'

So with that he cricket crickk crickkketted and flew to join his friends...


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